Coding Period Week 6

Organization : SymPy
Solvers: Completing Solveset

26 June 2016 - 2 July 2016

by Shekhar Prasad Rajak — Posted on June 26, 2016

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Continue nonlinsolve :

PR #11111

  • Removed the dependency of old solvers _invert. It was basically helpful for removing sqrt or Rational power. Now using unrad and little changes in substitution function can handle the system havning sqrt or cube root.

Continue - Diophantine in Solveset :

PR 11234

  • Some points we discussed :

    1. Solveset should return all the solution, so we need to check for which kind of eq. diophantine returns all the solution. We can get the equation type using classify_diop defined in

    2. If there is the case where diophantine doesn’t return all the solutions then just return ConditionSet or try to make all solution (e.g. if just need to permute sign in values then use permute_signs).

  • After reading the diophantine Documentation and diophantine doctests and examples, I found that :

    1. Currently, following five types of Diophantine equations can be solved using ~sympy.solvers.diophantine.diophantine and other helper functions of the Diophantine module.
    • Linear Diophantine equations:

    a1*x1 + a2*x2 + ... + an*xn = b.

    • General binary quadratic equation:

    ax^2 + bxy + cy^2 + dx + ey + f = 0

    • Homogeneous ternary quadratic equation:

    ax^2 + by^2 + cz^2 + dxy + eyz + fzx = 0

    • Extended Pythagorean equation:

    a_{1} * x_{1}^2 + a_{2} * x_{2}^2 + .... + a_{n} * x_{n}^2 = a_{n+1} * x_{n+1}^2

    • General sum of squares:

    x_{1}^2 + x_{2}^2 + ... + x_{n}^2 = k

    1. If I am correct then Diophantine returns all the soln if eq is Linear Diophantine equations, General binary quadratic equation and Homogeneous ternary quadratic equation. I tried some Linear Diophantine equations and cross checked with online Diophantine solvers(one of the solver is here).

    2. In last 2 (Extended Pythagorean equation and General sum of squares) we need to do permute_signs to get all the soln.


          >>> from sympy.utilities.iterables import permute_signs
          >>> list(permute_signs((1, 12)))
          [(1, 12), (-1, 12), (1, -12), (-1, -12)]

    In general if all variables have even powers then we should do permute_signs. Diophantine solves the factors of the eq so if we have eq like this x**2 - y**2, diophantine solves factors x + y and x - y.

        >>> from sympy.solvers.diophantine import diophantine
        >>> from import x, y, z
        >>> diophantine(x**2 - y**2)
        set([(-t_0, -t_0), (t_0, -t_0)])

    so we should check even powers and permute sign.

    other examples :

        >>> from sympy.solvers.diophantine import diop_general_sum_of_squares
        >>> from import a, b, c, d, e, f
        >>> diop_general_sum_of_squares(a**2 + b**2 + c**2 + d**2 + e**2 - 2345)
        set([(15, 22, 22, 24, 24)])
        >>> from sympy.solvers.diophantine import diop_general_pythagorean
        >>> diop_general_pythagorean(a**2 + b**2 + c**2 - d**2)
        (m1**2 + m2**2 - m3**2, 2*m1*m3, 2*m2*m3, m1**2 + m2**2 + m3**2)
        >>> diop_general_pythagorean(9*a**2 - 4*b**2 + 16*c**2 + 25*d**2 + e**2)
        (10*m1**2  + 10*m2**2  + 10*m3**2 - 10*m4**2, 15*m1**2  + 15*m2**2
          + 15*m3**2  + 15*m4**2, 15*m1*m4, 12*m2*m4, 60*m3*m4)
        >>> from sympy.solvers.diophantine import diop_general_sum_of_even_powers
        >>> diop_general_sum_of_even_powers(a**4 + b**4 - (2**4 + 3**4))
        set([(2, 3)])

    In above these types of cases we need permute_signs. If we check these solution you can see that permute_signs is needed when solutions is not parameterized.


          >>> from sympy.solvers.diophantine import diophantine
          >>> from import x, y, z
          >>> diophantine(x**2 - y**2)
          set([(-t_0, -t_0), (t_0, -t_0)])

    solution set([(-t_0, -t_0), (t_0, -t_0)]) is same as set([(-t_0, -t_0), (t_0, t_0), (-t_0, t_0), (t_0, -t_0)]).(because t_0 can take any integer value.)

    I discussed these things with @thilinarmtb (He have worked on diophantine. Blog link : Main points are :

    Only the linear solver is incomplete, the algorithm in Diophantine module should be fixed (`permute_signs` or something like that won't help). We can use `permute_signs` when we have even powers in all variables. We should update Diophantine module to use permute sign. But we should not returns `ConditionSet` for linear diophantine eq. because for linear diophantine eq `diophantine()`returns parameterized solution which is complete most of the time.
    1. classify_diop can returns these diop_type :

      • linear
      • univariate
      • binary_quadratic
      • inhomogeneous_ternary_quadratic
      • homogeneous_ternary_quadratic_normal
      • homogeneous_ternary_quadratic
      • inhomogeneous_general_quadratic
      • inhomogeneous_general_quadratic
      • homogeneous_general_quadratic
      • general_sum_of_squares
      • general_pythagorean
      • cubic_thue
      • general_sum_of_even_powers

    If the equation type is none of these then solveset_integers should returns ConditionSet.Because currently diophantine can handle these kinds of eq only.

  • PR Update diophantine to get some missing solution: 11334

Continue simplified Trigonometric eq solution :

PR #11188

  • Shifted the _union_simplify function code to _union in fancyset/ImageSet with some changes.

  • Still facing problem (It sometimes pass all cases sometimes fail).

Meanwhile :

  • I found a problem in checksol defined in sympy/solvers/ and opened a PR that fixes the small issue, #11339


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