Coding Period Week 7

Organization : SymPy
Solvers: Completing Solveset

3 July 2016 - 9 July 2016

by Shekhar Prasad Rajak — Posted on July 4, 2016

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ImageSet.put_values() :

PR #11343

  • After the discussion Harsh told that it is better to use like imageset.lamda(values_for_lambda_var) directly, also don’t make lambda variables public , it should be local and before doing imageset.lamda(values_for_lambda_var) this one need to check whether values are in ` base_set` or not.

  • You can see the previous code here : gist

  • I updated the docs stating how to put certain values in ImageSet lambda variables.(reverted my changes and edited the ImageSet docs in the PR.)

Continue nonlinsolve :

PR #11111

  • How Intersections and Complements are handled :

see these examples:

In [ ]: intr = Intersection(FiniteSet(x), Interval(1,10))

In [ ]: comp = Complement(FiniteSet(x), Interval(1,10))

In [ ]: intr
Out[ ]: [1, 10] ∩ {x}

In [ ]: comp
Out[ ]: {x} \ [1, 10]

In [ ]: type( Intersection(comp, Interval(1,11)))
Out[ ]: sympy.sets.sets.Complement

In [ ]: type(Complement(intr, Interval(1,2)))
Out[ ]: sympy.sets.sets.Complement

So first handling the Complements and then intersection will be checked in solveset soln.

  • nonlinsolve can handle simple trigonometric system of equations but when complex equations is used then it will return ConditionSet since solveset trig solver is not smart enough right now.

  • Trying to break the code into the functions to make the code better.

Continue Simplified Trig soln

PR #11188

  • I was getting problem in ImageSet union when you run test. Sometimes it pass all the cases but not always. I found the problem (most probably because order of args in union.reduce is not always same for all the python version I am using FiniteSet so I hope it is good way to handle this.) Now it passes all the checks all time.

Meanwhile :

  • I found that Mod is not defined for complex numbers. e.g.
In [1]: g = Mod(-log(3), 2*I*pi)

In [2]: g
Out[2]: Mod(-log(3), 2⋅ⅈ⋅π)

In [3]: simplify(g)
Out[3]: Mod(-log(3), 2⋅ⅈ⋅π)

In [4]: simplify(g)
Out[4]: Mod(-log(3), 2⋅ⅈ⋅π)

In [5]: g2 = Mod(-log(3), 2*pi)

In [6]: simplify(g2)
Out[6]: -log(3) + 2⋅π

In [7]: simplify(Mod(I,I))
Out[7]: 0

In [8]: simplify(Mod(2*I,I))
Out[8]: 0

In [9]: simplify(Mod(2*I,3*I))
Out[9]: 5⋅ⅈ

In [10]: simplify(Mod(2*I,1+3*I))
Out[10]: Mod(2⋅ⅈ, 1 + 3⋅ⅈ)

Need to implement Mod for complex number as well. There is concept og Gaussian Integers

Some resources I found is this : link1, link2, link3 link4

  • One can see the issue 11391 for detail discussion.

  • Tried to fix the bug of is_zero_dimensional in this PR #11371.


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